The Nature Legacy Fund Projects
The Nova Scotia Salmon Association is now undertaking the delivery of three integrated aspects of our field programs.
The Adopt a Stream Program will continue as it has for over 20 years supporting watershed groups around the province with seed funding, training and restoration design assistance.
The West River Sheet Harbour project that started out as an acid rain mitigation project but has expanded to include land liming, a second lime doser, kilometers of physical habitat restoration, and world class science.
Now with the support of the Nature Legacy Fund we are bring these two initiatives together and expanding our work to develop and implement watershed aquatic habitat restoration in 14 Nova Scotia watersheds including:
Annapolis, Lahave, Medway, Mosher, Musquodoboit, Petite, St. Mary’s and West River-Sheet Harbour watersheds on the southern uplands
plus the South and West Rivers Antigonish and the Margaree River